Methadone Heroin: Pain Clinic Discussion on the Couch Live

Methadone Heroin: Pain Clinic Discussion on The Couch Live

The Couch Live with the street certified dope doctor Lui Delgado, CAP (Certified Addictions Professional) and co-host Dr. Kent Hoffman discuss Pain Clinics. Yes, we openly out how there are way too many physicians that are so-called pain management doctors who do nothing but either addict or enable the addiction of their patients. Florida is the Oxy Highway and this issue needs to be discussed. For comments please direct them here or at You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

Methadone Heroin: Fatal dose of methadone
A CORONER has recorded an accidental death verdict on a 48-year-old Carlisle woman who mistakenly swallowed a fatal amount of the heroin substitute methadone.
Read more on The News and Star

Methadone Heroin: Ranchos man sentenced to probation, drug court
A 31-year-old Gardnerville Ranchos man was sentenced Tuesday to five years probation for possession of 76 balloons of packaged heroin.
Read more on The Record-Courier

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