Philip Seymour Hoffman Death Underscores Need for Vigilance – Medscape

Philip Seymour Hoffman Death Underscores Need for Vigilance – Medscape

Philip Seymour Hoffman Death Underscores Need for Vigilance
"It is clear that risk of relapse and overdose is significantly reduced by providing opiate pharmacotherapy, such as buprenorphine, methadone, or [injectable] naltrexone," Dr. Levin noted. Healthcare providers may be missing opportunities to help

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Methadone Opiates – Google News

Help available to addicts seeking recovery, though space sometimes limited in … – GazetteNET

Help available to addicts seeking recovery, though space sometimes limited in
For example, Roose said there is a lack of programs that offer methadone or other medications to discourage relapsing into opiate drug use, including heroin. That can increase the risk someone might overdose, he said, because addicts who relapse after 

Methadone Opiates – Google News

Mid-Hudson briefs: 2 face drug charges; man accused in unemployment case … – Poughkeepsie Journal

Mid-Hudson briefs: 2 face drug charges; man accused in unemployment case
Poughkeepsie Journal
Like methadone, Suboxone is a controlled substance that is prescribed to treat addictions to drugs such as heroin, opiate painkillers and others, reports Narconon International's website. After being approved to treat addiction in 2002, Suboxone “began

Methadone Opiates – Google News

Actor’s death spotlights heroin epidemic – Channel 24

Actor's death spotlights heroin epidemic
Channel 24
But the DEA says that is changing, thanks to increased production in Mexico, increased smuggling and users increasingly addicted to prescription opiates then swapping to cheaper heroin. Hoffman suffered a relapse. It was this progression that Hoffman

Methadone Opiates – Google News

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