Boston’s Only Public Methadone Clinic May Shut – Boston Globe
Boston’s only public methadone clinic may shut – Boston Globe
Boston's only public methadone clinic may shut
Boston Globe Boston health officials are poised to close the city's only public methadone clinic at a time when heroin overdoses, which methadone is used to combat, are rising dramatically across the state. Shutting the clinic, which has offered methadone to opiate … |
Methadone Opiates – Google News
Heroin task force focuses on treatment options, availability in Madison County – Insurance News Net (press release)
Heroin task force focuses on treatment options, availability in Madison County
Insurance News Net (press release) Rachel was treated with a methadone series, which Park said is only one component of modern opiate treatment. Methadone itself is a long-acting, synthetic narcotic, but works differently on the brain. Instead of filling those opiate receptors, Park … |
Methadone Opiates – Google News
BPHS proposes closing sole public methadone clinic – Daily Free Press (subscription)
BPHS proposes closing sole public methadone clinic
Daily Free Press (subscription) Methadone is a synthetic narcotic that is used to reduce the craving for opiates, such as heroin, and the effects of withdrawal symptoms. In a state where heroin addiction, which methadone is used to combat, has caused 185 deaths in the past four … |
Methadone Opiates – Google News
Judge: Patrick might have gone too far in banning heavy-duty opiate – Capecodonline
abc40 |
Judge: Patrick might have gone too far in banning heavy-duty opiate
Capecodonline There are about 17,000 people in the state who use Methadone, an opiate that helps people avoid heroin, and there are 14 community health centers that run buprenorphine programs, and the correctional institutions are piloting a program of providing … Maker of powerful painkiller sues to block state ban |
Methadone Opiates – Google News
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