Methadone Drug: Heroin Use in Boulder Shoots Up – Boulder Weekly

Methadone Drug: Heroin use in Boulder shoots up – Boulder Weekly

Boulder Weekly

Heroin use in Boulder shoots up
Boulder Weekly
“The increase in use of opioid pain relievers — particularly methadone — has been linked by public health officials with a parallel increase in drug overdose deaths and emergency department visits involving these drugs,” the report reads.

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Methadone Drug – Google News

Methadone Drug: Safe injection sites needed Canada-wide to fight hep B, C –

Safe injection sites needed Canada-wide to fight hep B, C
regions also need methadone clinics and needle exchanges. "All governments need to adopt a broader perspective on the determinants of health if they are to be able to address the harms associated with drug use and drug use policy," the report says.

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Methadone Drug – Google News

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