Virtual Recovery in Methadone Clinic Meets Real World Success – Santa Cruz Sentinel

Methadone Drug: Virtual recovery in methadone clinic meets real world success – Santa Cruz Sentinel

Virtual recovery in methadone clinic meets real world success
Santa Cruz Sentinel
The Avatar Based Recovery Project, launched in 2009 with a small cohort at the agency's methadone clinic, augments traditional drug recovery treatment by introducing addicts to a virtual world where counselor and client can work through an infinite

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Methadone Drug – Google News

Methadone Drug: Civil suit against driver, clinic follows methadone related crash in Rochester – Foster’s Daily Democrat

Civil suit against driver, clinic follows methadone related crash in Rochester
Foster’s Daily Democrat
According to court documents filed by George's attorney, Tom Van Houten of Sanford, Maine, "The CSAC defendants did individually or through their agents (John and Jane Doe) provide Defendant Steadman with narcotic medication, to wit, methadone … did

Methadone Drug – Google News

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