What Drugs Stay in Your Bloodstream the Longest Besides Mary-Jane?

Question by Jayme H: What drugs stay in your bloodstream the longest besides Mary-Jane?

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Answer by kflan2000
Blood Clearance (Clb) or plasma clearance (Clp) is defined as the volume of blood or plasma cleared of drug in a unit time. It is related to the volume in which the drug is dissolved and the rate at which it is eliminated. Therefore it may be defined as the product of volume of distribution and the elimination rate constant.
Always remember that drug clearance times vary according to the:

* Dose of the drug taken
* Sensitivity of the tests used
* Ph value of the urine: more acidic urine tends to produce shorter clearance times
* Combination of drugs used: for instance stimulants increase the metabolic rate and therefore reduce drug clearance times.

These are the clearance times via a urine sample. (A blood sample will show that most “drugs” will clear the blood stream within 4-8 hours. The urine sample is key because some of these drugs hide in “fat stores” and are metabolized differently and at different times)
Drug clearance times chart
Drug Time after which a urine screen will show negative
Methadone 2-4 days
Heroin 1-2 days
Diazepam and other benzodiazepines 2-4 days
Cocaine 1-2 days
Amphetamine 1-2 days
MDMA (ecstasy) 2-4 days
LSD 1-3 days
Cannabis 4-28 days

***I don’t think I want to know why you need this info!-hahaha

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