Methadone Heroin: How Can I Quit Methadone/heroin “Cold Turkey”, Without Being Too Sick to Live Normally?

Question by Angela: How can I quit methadone/heroin “cold turkey”, without being too sick to live normally?
I was using heroin, then decided to get clean, so I got on methadone. I’ve been on methadone for over a year, and decided I wanted to quit this too. So, once I got down to 25mgs. I quit taking the methadone. I made it 2 days, then on the third day I was too sick, so I decided to do some heroin. (Back to square one!) So, my question is… is there anyone out there that can give me some pointers that have actually been there, done that? I want to quit both, and be as least sick as possible so I can still go to work every night. Thank you to whomever will answer my question thoroughly. 10 points to answer that helps the most!!

Best answer:

Answer by puddles
go back on the methadone, and slowly decrease your intake of that down to like 5 mg every other day. try that for like 2 weeks. it should help.
good luck

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Methadone Heroin: opiate withdrawal help, addiction: the actiq diaries vol. III, March 20, 2010

72 hr. mark…the nofunpatrol continues…let’s talk about ibogaine and other help to get thru detox.

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