Methadone Heroin: Methadone Questions?

Question by Kain: Methadone Questions?
I am doing a project on Methadone but I have no idea where I can get answers. (I tried all of the search engines.) I need to know:

-Drug Category of Methadone
-Other drugs in the category
-Forms of the Drug. (liquid, pill, powder, etc.)

Please help me. Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by Sonii
Methadone is available as a tablet, solution, or injectable liquid.

Methadone is a synthetic narcotic analgesic in the schedule II class of narcotics. It is in the same drug class as morphine, fentanyl, etc. Methadone is an opiate.

Just a little more — methadone is considered to be the legal “heroin” as it is used to get people off heroin, but it is so addictive that it only causes them to become addicted to it instead.

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