New Methadone Treatment Worries Vancouver Users – Vancouver Courier

New methadone treatment worries Vancouver users – Vancouver Courier

Vancouver Courier

New methadone treatment worries Vancouver users
Vancouver Courier
The B.C. government says Methadose, which will come strictly in liquid form, will provide a safer, more consistent treatment for patients seeking withdrawal from drugs such as heroin. “While the current methadone formula needs to be compounded, this

Methadone Heroin – Google News

Simmons: Heroin Happy Meals point to larger problem – Washington Times

Simmons: Heroin Happy Meals point to larger problem
Washington Times
State health officials began noticing a disturbing trend in the first half of 2012 when fatal overdoses from such prescriptions opioids as oxycodone, hydrocodone and methadone began declining while heroin overdose deaths rose 80 percent on the Eastern 

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Methadone Heroin – Google News

Methadone stolen from James Street pharmacy – Hamilton Spectator

Methadone stolen from James Street pharmacy
Hamilton Spectator
Hamilton police have issued a warning after methadone was stolen from a James Street pharmacy. The drug can be fatal if consumed in large quantities. It is most commonly used to treat addiction to opioid drugs such as heroin and oxycodone.

Methadone Heroin – Google News

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