Category: Human Interest – eNews Park Forest

Category: Human Interest – eNews Park Forest

Category: Human Interest
eNews Park Forest
when it decriminalized low-level possession and use of all illegal drugs and significantly expanded treatment and harm reduction services, including access to sterile syringes, methadone maintenance therapy and other medication-assisted treatments.

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Methadone Maintenance – Google News
Drug court gains 3K boost – Livingston Daily

Drug court gains $ 323K boost
Livingston Daily
Church said Vivitrol “is more effective” than methadone, a pain reliever used as part of drug addiction detoxification and maintenance programs. The drug must be used with other substance-abuse treatment recovery programs, such as counseling, she added.

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Methadone Maintenance – Google News
More drug war follies – Drug WarRant

More drug war follies
Drug WarRant
The proper course of treatment for an opiate dependent pregnant women is methadone maintenance. While withdrawal is rarely fatal in adults, it can kill a fetus and cause a miscarriage. Compared to untreated or abstinence-only drug treatment, mothers on 

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Methadone Maintenance – Google News
‘It took me 30 years to realise I was wasting my life’ – Indian Express

'It took me 30 years to realise I was wasting my life'
Indian Express
After hitting a doctor with a stone in one of the centres, where he was being treated with Buprenorphine, Shaikh landed in KEM's Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT) programme in October 2012. Today he owns a small dhaba, a tiny mobile shop and 

Methadone Maintenance – Google News

Methadone deaths on the rise? Ibogaine Cures Methadone addiction in one dose? 323-606-9904 — 323-606-9904 The Holistic Sanctuary offers a protocol to reverse rebuild renew the addicted human mind, if you know someone who needs a true addiction…

More Methadone Maintenance Information…