Has Anyone Ever Been on a Medication Called Soboxin?

Question by junie101278: Has anyone ever been on a medication called Soboxin?
It is mostly used for opiate dependancy, I was addicted to morphine for 6 yrs and have been taking Methadone from a doctor to help get it under control for almost 4 yrs now, So in all I have used up almost 10 yrs now with meds and I am looking for an alternative, Soboxin is suppose to help me get off the methadone without getting me just as addicted to it, I have been told that it is a lot easier to come down off of Soboxin than methadone or other opiates, Any thoughts on the issue? And plz do not comment on my drug abuse, I go to therapy and have not used anything other than methadone as prescribed in almost 4 yrs, so I already deal with guilt and all the other issues that come with addiction, if you have never been in my shoes then plz do not make judgements!! I just want to get my life in more control than now, I have 3 kids and I am only 31 and I want to have a long healthy life! So I would love to hear your opinions and/or thoughts on Soboxin?

Best answer:

Answer by Lucy :]
Not sure if this will help but here you go:

I also wanted to just say well done really for sorting your addiction out, and not replapsing, thats something to be proud of.

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