Treating Cocaine Dependency With Auricular Acupuncture
Up until today, there are no scientifically proven drug medications that can treat cocaine dependence. Auricular acupuncture instead is used in over 400 clinics solely intended for drug abuse in the United States and Europe.
Auricular acupuncture uses hair-thin needles that are inserted into five acupuncture points located in the ear.
Auricular acupuncture is a specified treatment that branched out from the traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture. Although shares the same concept, auricular acupuncture focuses only on five specific points located in the ear.
Acupuncture itself is an ancient healing art that originated from China from thousands of years ago. This ancient treatment has a holistic approach that aims to restore the balance of the body’s opposing energy forces, known as the yin and yang. It is believed that if blockage occurs in the energy channels dubbed as the meridians, the energy flow is disrupted and ailments occur. With acupuncture, the acupuncture points are stimulated to restore the normal balance of the yin and yang thereby restoring the body’s health.
Acupuncture has already been proven effective to treat various illnesses, in fact western medicine is slowly embracing acupuncture as an alternative therapy to treat a wide range of health conditions and cocaine addiction is just one in the long list.
Aside from treating cocaine dependence, auricular acupuncture is also a common treatment procedure used for addictions including dependence on nicotine, alcohol, and drugs.
A study was conducted to determine the efficacy of auricular acupuncture in treating addiction to cocaine.
The preliminary findings of a study conducted by Yale University revealed that acupuncture could indeed one day become a conventional treatment for cocaine addiction. The investigators of the study noted that acupuncture, specifically auricular acupuncture, has been widely used in clinics all over the United States, not only for cocaine addiction but also for alcohol abuse and opium dependency.
The results of the study were derived from a randomized and controlled trial.
The trial involved 82 cocaine dependents who were all on methadone maintenance. The patients were observed based on different control conditions as well as auricular acupuncture. The control conditions included either inserting needles or inducing no-needle relaxation.
The trial spanned for eight weeks and urine samples were collected from all the participants three times every week. The results later revealed that those receiving auricular acupuncture treatments likely gave cocaine-free urine samples compared to those from the other two groups. The initial findings suggest that auricular acupuncture can be a potential treatment for cocaine dependency.
The research group made a recommendation for a more thorough study of the possibility of cocaine dependency to be treated with auricular acupuncture.
According to experts, cocaine addiction is one hard habit to break as it is one of the most difficult forms of addiction to treat.
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Methadone Maintenance: RE: MMT Leslie thedinkieghost
RE: thedinkieghost’s webcam video August 23, 2010, 10:27 AM RE: I recorded two videos that are almost exactly alike, because, after recording my last video “Continuation…” YouTube told me there was an error recording., and to I did..which resulted in this video. When I tried to upload THIS video. YouTube AGAIN told me there had been an error. To rerecord. I was fed up at this point, so I didnt. After logging in today…I see that BOTH videos were recorded…weird. thedinkieghost’s webcam video August 23, 2010, 12:40 PM
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