Drug Dealers Aren’t to Blame for the Heroin Boom. Doctors… – the New Republic

Drug Dealers Aren’t to Blame for the Heroin Boom. Doctors… – The New Republic

Drug Dealers Aren't to Blame for the Heroin Boom. Doctors…
The New Republic
“We seeded the population with opiates,” says Robert DuPont, an addiction doctor who served as drug czar under Presidents Nixon and Ford and who is now a harsh critic of opiate over-prescription. The supply shock from easy access to prescription

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Methadone Opiates – Google News

The Junkie Genius – The Atlantic

The Atlantic

The Junkie Genius
The Atlantic
When the owner of Olympia Press, Maurice Girodias, snapped his fingers in Paris, Burroughs (although weakened by opiate withdrawal) answered the call of duty. With the artist Brion Gysin doing last-minute typing, and the …. He wakes at 8 to take his

Methadone Opiates – Google News

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