Why Haven’t You Stopped Using Recreational Drugs?

Question by D.W.: Why haven’t you stopped using recreational drugs?
They contribute to everything wrong in American society:
illegal aliens
gang activity
brain and over all health damage

If you use recreational drugs…why?

Some good points, but you mean to tell me that if drugs were completely legal everything in the US would be better? That drugs use contribitue nothing to the downward spirial of a society?
Guess you’ve never been to Amsterdam.
You should make it a field trip for your study. A sad, wasted city in a very medicre country.

Best answer:

Answer by Clippy
becuz times r tough get off my back, and hands off my skag i ain’t a terrorrist

Answer by Stupid people are annoying
Yes, I have been to Amsterdam. My aunt lived there for work and I got to visit it a number of times and I have never been to a better nation.

People that do drugs that are profoundly addictive do so because of trauma and if they are provided with treatment for their trauma and the substance addiction it leads them to, the would WOULD be a much better place.

Methadone is FAR FAR FAR worse for Opiate Addicts than providing them with clean needles and actual heroin. Have you ever looked at the studies on Heroin Vs. Methadone treatment? Methadone is actually MORE addictive than heroin.

You REALLY have no idea what you are talking about and are getting your information from the talking heads that only want to continue the 30+ Billion Dollars a Year “War On Drugs” industry that is making them so much money.

? Penn & Teller: Season 2 Episode 4: “War on Drugs”
America is waging a massive war on its home soil, a war it is losing. Our country spends $ 20 billion a year in drug enforcement, but the illegal drug industry is thriving. Should we even be waging this war, when alcohol is legal and pushed every night on network TV? By criminalizing drugs, we just turn non-violent citizens into criminals. And medicinal uses of marijuana are being blocked by crusading moralists yelling “family values.”
GoogleVideo Search: http://www.google.com/search?q=Penn+Teller+War+on+Drugs&tbo=p&tbs=vid%3A1&source=vgc&aq=f

? BBC Is Alcohol more dangerous than ecstasy?
GoogleVideo Search: http://www.google.com/search?q=BBC+Is+Alcohol+more+dangerous+than+ecstasy&hl=en&client=safari&rls=en&prmd=v&source=lnms&tbs=vid:1&ei=BeD2S-zPJIzMNcfxzPgJ&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&ved=0CAYQ_AU

? BBC Should I Smoke Dope?
GoogleVideo Search: http://www.google.com/search?q=bbc+should+i+smoke+dope&hl=en&client=safari&rls=en&prmd=v&source=lnms&tbs=vid:1&ei=TeD2S6abH5SUMtmciLsF&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&ved=0CAYQ_AU

? The History Channel – Hooked: Illegal Drugs and How They Got That Way
There has been a “drug culture” since the dawn of civilization. Sumerian cuneiform tablets from 3000 BC show a poppy harvest, as do ancient Egyptian scripts and Greek statues adorned with poppy crowns. Far more recently, Freud sung the praises of cocaine, which was included in the original recipe for Coca-Cola. But since the industrial revolution, drug use has changed dramatically, and society’s response to this–particularly in America–has been to demonize users and make drugs illegal.

Hooked explores the world of illegal drugs, meeting with pharmacologists and scientists to learn exactly what effect they have on us and exploring the social and legislative changes that have transformed (and, some would argue, created) the drug culture of the 20th century. Outspoken advocates on both sides of the “war on drugs” illuminate this polarizing issue, and fascinating accounts and artifacts illustrate the role of drugs throughout history.

? BBC “If Drugs Were Legal” (Followed by “The ‘If’ Debate”)
GoogleVideo Search: http://www.google.com/search?q=BBC+If+Drugs+Were+Legal&hl=en&prmd=v&source=lnms&tbs=vid:1&ei=U4P-S7OcLo7iNbSrlTs&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&ved=0CAYQ_AU

You MUST be shrooming. Let us go over your little nonsense list one at a time.

1. Terrorism?
The same opium fields in Afghanistan that supply the illicit trade in Heroin are supplying the Medical Industry with the base ingredients to a good 80% of the pain killers used in hospitals. It has only been in the last 10 years or so that non-opoide pain killers have been developed and those are still not as good as the Thousand Year Old method of opiates.

If you use modern medicine, you are supporting “Terrorism” as much as the smack-head on the street.

2. Crime is the result of Prohibition. Crime is the result of a culture that denies addiction treatment to their citizens.

Addiction and dependancy (which are two distinct topics.) are biological processes that are the result of genetic predisposition to abuse.

If you do not have the genetic characteristics of an addict, you can become physically dependent upon a substance, but you can detox from the substance and never think of it again. If you are an Addict, with a family predisposition and trauma history, you need ADDICTION TREATMENT.

We have Poo-Pooed addicts as being “Weak Willed” and tell them to “Just Stop” but they are not biologically capable of “Just Stopping”. If you CAN “Just Stop” you are not an addict. PERIOD.

Addiction is continued use in the face of consequences. Those consequences can be anything from cancer to job loss… And if you can’t stop in the face of consequences, you need medical intervention.

Read “Cracked: Putting Broken Lives Together Again” by Dr. Drew Pinsky if you REALLY care about stopping addiction in this country.

3. Illegal Immigration? Drugs or no drugs, Illegals would continue to stream across the boarder. If drugs were regulated and not Scheduled and made Illegal, people would run the boarder but without carrying backpacks full of drugs…

4. Violence is the result of prohibition. Make something people want illegal and you create a black market for it… It is because of the black market that violence in the production, transport, and distribution occurs. Violence at User Level is the result of lack of treatment for addiction and the mental health issues associated with addiction.

5. Gang Activity? Again, prohibition resulting in the black market. Gangs would turn to other crimes if drugs were no longer such a lucrative industry thanks to the black market.

6. Murder? Again, prohibition resulting in the black market and refusal to provide mental health and addiction treatment to addicts.

7. Poverty? Poverty, by and large, is the result of the generational transmission of trauma and untreated mental health conditions of people with a biological predisposition to substance abuse and addiction.

ALL addicts have Depression and ADD. They get in to drugs to SELF MEDICATE these conditions.

People in Poverty tend to be victims of sexual abuse, physical abuse, neglect, malnutrition, absent parenting due to drug abuse, witnesses of spousal abuse, and divorce.

The Poverty and Abuse leads to the substance addiction 9 times out of 10.

If mamma was raped and hooked on opiates, baby girl will most likely be subjected to the molestation of the abuser that mamma chooses to breed with then grow up with the trauma of being raised by an addict, and repeat the same exact pathology as her mother…

Poverty is the result of the generational transmission of trauma, of which, substance addiction is part of.

It is not the CAUSE of it. Again, read Cracked by Dr. Drew.

8. Prostitution? MOST women that end up in the sex trade do so not because of drugs, but because of the abuse suffered in childhood. Refer to #7 for most of what I need to say about Prostitution and Strippers, etc. Cinnamon was raped by daddy or uncle or the neighbor when she was 6 and that leads to a predictable pathology that results in drug abuse, addiction, and the sex industry.

9. Brain and over all health damage? If you do not have the genetic predisposition to addiction, it is EXTREMELY hard to actually become addicted to a substance or act. Addicts have specific pathways and responses in the brain to substances that non-addicts do not have.

If you do not have a family history of addiction, you can become physically dependent upon a drug, even get high off it and LIKE it, but once you decide to quit, you just stop, detox (which is painful and sucks) then never think about taking that drug ever again.

ADDICTION is the fact that you CANNOT STOP because the biological pathways in the brain have been opened and you feel a profound sense of LOSS, literally as if someone had died and you are mourning their death, and you get a preoccupation with the idea of scoring again… This requires some form of medical intervention.

EVERYTHING you have stated just goes to show how little the common person knows about addiction, mental health, and trauma.

THIS Is the reason that we do not offer treatment to people that suffer from the horrific disease of addiction…

DrugFree.org is nothing but mindless propaganda not supported by the psychology and biology of addiction.

If it was as easy as “Not Doing Any More Drugs”, do you REALLY think that people would be sucking off strangers in alleys for $ 5.00 worth of crack?

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