A Look Into Detox Symptoms

Medical technology has provided specific drugs that can help with detoxification symptoms. I know it sounds odd. Take a drug to get off a drug. But because some of the symptoms are so severe, having these drugs available can be very important. Plus, they are not addictive, and when you are under the care of a doctor, they will monitor your usage very carefully until you won’t have to take those drugs anymore.

One very effective treatment of opiate withdrawal symptoms is methadone maintenance therapy. It is safe when administered under the care of a doctor. Taken orally once a day, methadone suppresses narcotic withdrawal for between 24 and 36 hours. Because methadone is effective in eliminating withdrawal symptoms, it is used in detoxifying opiate addicts. It is, however, only effective in cases of addiction to heroin, morphine, and other opioid drugs, and it is not an effective treatment for other drugs of abuse.

Methadone reduces the cravings associated with heroin use and blocks the high from heroin, but it does not provide the euphoric rush. Consequently, methadone patients do not experience the extreme highs and lows that result from the waxing and waning of heroin in blood levels. Ultimately, the patient remains physically dependent on the opioid, but is freed from the uncontrolled, compulsive, and disruptive behavior seen in heroin addicts. Withdrawal from methadone is much slower than that from heroin. As a result, it is possible to maintain an addict on methadone without harsh side effects. Many MMT patients require continuous treatment, sometimes over a period of years.

Physicians and individualized health care give medically prescribed methadone to relieve withdrawal symptoms, reduce the opiate craving, and bring about a biochemical balance in the body. Important elements in heroin treatment include comprehensive social and rehabilitation services. When methadone is taken under medical supervision, long-term maintenance causes no adverse effects to the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, bones, blood, brain, or other vital body organs. Methadone produces no serious side effects, although some patients experience minor symptoms such as constipation, water retention, drowsiness, skin rash, excessive sweating, and changes in libido. Once methadone dosage is adjusted and stabilized or tolerance increases, these symptoms usually subside.

Methadone does not impair cognitive functions. It has no adverse effects on mental capability, intelligence, or employability. It is not sedating or intoxicating, nor does it interfere with ordinary activities such as driving a car or operating machinery. Patients are able to feel pain and experience emotional reactions. Most importantly, methadone relieves the craving associated with opiate addiction. For methadone patients, typical street doses of heroin are ineffective at producing euphoria, making the use of heroin less desirable.

Another huge part of safe detoxification has to do with nutrition. Because the body will be going through some harsh abuse, it’s important that your body is at its strongest. That means eating healthy and getting some form of exercise. You may want to consult with a nutritionist to be sure that you are getting the proper nutrition, but you CAN simply make your own changes in what you eat so your body is at its peak level of performance.

You will also want to get some psychological help with a counselor or therapist. You must treat your mental state along with your body. The therapist can help you remain focused on your recovery and take away some of the mindsets that can hinder your recovery.As we said previously, twelve step programs have proven to be very effective in overcoming problems with addiction. These can be great self-help options.

Find tips about tv addiction and games addiction at the Addiction Facts website.

Methadone Maintenance: Methadone Ontario | (905) 775-4999 (905) 640-1117

methadoneclinicontario.com . (905)775-4999 | (905)640-1117 . The Health Centre of Bradford – Methadone Clinic 157 Holland Street East Unit #7, PO Box 610, Bradford, ON L3Z 2B2 (905) 775-4999 Drug Addiction Clinic – Methadone Treatment 6212 Main St. Suite#203, Stouffville, ON L4A 2S5 (905) 640-1117? . methadone ontario (methadone ontario) “methadone ontario) methadoneontario . Ontario Addiction Treatment Centres Currently, there are thirty four methadone clinics throughout Ontario. The methadone clinics include: Barrie, Beaverton, Belleville, Bracebridge, Brampton Interim Policy for Methadone 16 Mar 2006 The pharmacist dispenses methadone to patients in a pharmacy accredited by the Ontario College of Pharmacists (OCP) pursuant to the Drug MOHLTC – Public Information – Ministry Reports – Report of the The Report of the Methadone Maintenance Treatment Practices Task Force outlines 26 on how to improve methadone maintenance treatment in Ontario www.health.gov.on.ca in Ontario Methadone Pain Management: Physician’s guidelines Ontario Canada Obtaining a Methadone Exemption In Ontario, physicians who wish to use methadone for the treatment of chronic pain must apply for an exemption from the Physicians-guidelines-Ontario-Canada Methadone Maintenance | Ontario Federation of Community Mental As these clinics, operated by a physicians group, create a monopoly of methadone services in Ontario, clinic clients are very hesitant to lodge a formal methadone ontario (methadone ontario

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