Will Propoxyphene Show Up Opiate in Urine Test?

Question by Alexina: Will propoxyphene show up opiate in urine test?
My rx is for Hydrocodone

Best answer:

Answer by Libertine Saint
No, it will not. It is not an opiate and not screened for in most urine tests.

Answer by Theava

PROPOXYPHENE **WILL** SHOW UP ON A DRUG TEST!! It is detectable in a urine drug screen for up to three days.

Please read the complete information below for a thorough explanation. Comment on this question or message me for any addition information you need.

While Propoxyphene (brand name Darvocet) will generally not show up on a drug test in the opiate category of a drug test ((the category things like heroin, morphine, oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine, and dozens of other similar analogs)) most drug tests have a panel testing specifically for propoxyphene.
Even most of the cheap at home drug test kits test for propoxyphene – if the test is an “8 panel” or better you can be sure it will be tested for. Depending on the individual persons metabolism and other factors the detectability time ranges from as little as six hours to as much as three days, however two days is generally the accepted time after which it will not be detected.
It is also worth noting that drug tests which test for propoxyphene will also consequently identify co-proximal, Darvocet and Darvon (brand names) and dextropropoxyphene.
Proproxyphene has been known to cause a false positive reading for methadone due to similarities in chemical structure and metabolism.

Answers to more of LIBERTINE SAINT’s totally inaccurate information and chemistry info on the drug:
Propoxyphene is indeed an opioid.
It is closely related to methadone in chemical structure. The effects of propoxyphene however are considerably weaker than methadone and propoxyphene is considered to be ‘minor league’ in comparison to virtually all other opiates – incredibly it is only two thirds as potent as codeine.


Your question also states “My rx is for Hydrocodone”. I hope you understand that hydrocodone and propoxyphene are completely and totally different drugs. They both have opiate effects but hydrocodone is a “true” opiate considerably more potent and effective than propoxyphene.
Hydrocodone will show up on a drug test under the “Opiate” category and thus will show up on even the most simple, cheapest drug tests available.

In any case simply showing the drug testing agency your prescription bottles will clear you anyhow.

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