Archive for the ‘Methadone Drug’ Category

Opium Use. the Biological Facts.?

Question by Nadeem S: Opium Use. The Biological Facts.?

What are some biological facts for Opium?

Like, i know there is a drug called MORPHINE extracted from Opium and is used to make pain killers and stuff, also the poppies from Opium plants can be used to make poppy pad pies 🙂

Is there any other use for Opium besides using it just to get high?
Like what might also be some medical reasons for the use of Opium?

– Thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by Pollifax
Morphine is a painkiller. Morphine is the more isolated chemical that is in opium.

Answer by RR1973
Let’s start from the beginning:

Does Suboxone Make You High?

Question by Dax: Does suboxone make you high?

Best answer:

Answer by nan
suboxone replaces the high that a drug normally gives you. What I mean is it blocks the neuroreceptors in the brain decreasing the need for the other drug. It is a replacement medication so you don’t go through detox. As far as making you high I don’t think so but it does make you feel good about yourself, alleviates the need for the drug and the detox symptoms.

Answer by jimboismyhero
it makes you feel better than withdrawl thats for sure. but not a high like heroin

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Again,the Legalization of Drugs issue.I Will Invite Everyone to Voice Their Opinion.?

Question by Richard: Again,The Legalization of Drugs issue.I will invite everyone to voice their opinion.?
I hope we can keep this constructive.Marijuana is a given.We are all aware of methadone treatment centers.I will at this time, ask you to make yourselves aware of “INSITE”,it is a pilot program in Vancover Canada.I would ask you,Which drugs you would support becoming legalized and why? And on the flip side of this,why you would keep them illegal?
Again, the debate will continue so stay tuned in for more questions on this subject.Also,as I opened up this question to everyone,I still want to hear from our Police officers. Thank You !

Best answer:

Answer by Mad Mama
Legalize – marijuana.

Keep the rest illegal for now. And do not add additional items to the list of controlled substances (like K2).

What’s Wrong With Being on Suboxone Forever?

Question by Frankiesgirl Forever: What’s wrong with being on Suboxone Forever?
Suboxone is a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone and it’s prescribed purpose is to treat opiate (from pain medication to heroin) addiction. It works by binding to the same receptors as other opioid drugs. It mimics the effects of other opiates by alleviating cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
What I want to know is why do I continuously come across people that think “you need to get off suboxone” ?
Everyone has heard the saying, “Once a Drug addict, always a drug addict”, so why would staying on an approved medication be a problem? Isn’t it better for someone to lead a product life style content on the medication, than struggling with the temptation of a controlling dangerous drug such as heroin? The medication is pretty much a guarantee to living a sober life. Unlike methadone, it is impossible to get high while taking Suboxone. So, if a though turns into an craving, and a craving turns into an action (of getting high), a person taking Suboxone knows they can go out and buy their drug of choice, but there will be no satisfaction in taking it, because the Suboxone eliminates the high. How is this bad?
I need to make something CLEAR, before others answer who have never had to struggle with addiction, if someone is a drug addict, even recovered, there is always a craving. Some months maybe good, experiencing a brief thought, other months are bad, experiencing more than a dozen; some contain stomach cramps and anxiety attacks. It is truly a day to day battle. So, the idea of not “having any craving at all”. (Douglas B) isn’t realistic.
I decided to end this question, because three out of the four comment where based on ignorance and from those who have likely “found Jesus” in dealing with their addiction, this does not work for all of us. If the only answer I am going to receive, is that Suboxone is bad for reasons no more than the withdrawals, when you “choose” to stop taking it, than I can conclude that there is nothing wrong with taking it long term. The only reason anyone would have severe withdrawal symptoms is because they did not taper off gradually the way your suppose to. And for the last comment and others who are contemplating Suboxone, I have been on it for 5yrs and have been a normal functioning person. Picked my life back up, graduated college, give back to the community, and am being to get a little bit of myself back. Couldn’t have done this with a hand full of Oxy scripts or a limitless supply of heroin, what am idiot..

Do You Think Anna Nicole Smith Was Murdered?

Question by casey_leftwich: Do you think Anna Nicole Smith was murdered?
Or was it drugs or what?

Yes, she’s dead. Check the news.

Best answer:

Answer by Cat
Tragic, but no surprise.
I think Howard K. Stern has A LOT of explaining to do!
Where is the baby? Dannielynn Hope.
I hope & pray Larry Birkhead gets that baby & raises it away from
God Bless Anna’s mom…sadly she was right…Anna was next!

Answer by Flemming C
She was probably murdered

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Pro’s & Cons on Kicking Lortab Addiction W/ Methdone Clinic?

Question by cj: Pro’s & cons on kicking lortab addiction w/ methdone clinic?
My exboyfriend just told me this is his plan ( we broke up because of his addictions) I don’t know much about it. It seems freaking crazy to me. Although I don’t know much about methadone I have never heard anything good . he thought I was going to be supportive.? I need some insight please.
he says that he was up to “15 of the strong ones” daily. I am asking this ? not so much for where I stand in our reletionship., but isn’t methadone addictive as well.? Is this a cover up, or side line legal drug. Worry that he is trying to fool everyone.

Best answer: